Within this PhD thesis, we aim to demonstrate which factors influence the effects of multisource feedback (MSF) on postgraduate medical education.

Multisource-Feedback (MSF) is an approved form of formative assessment for medical training. Typically, MSF consists of feedback given to a doctor in training by several raters via structured questionnaires. Raters can come from the groups of peers, supervisors, medical and non-medical co-workers. Their written feedback is summed up in a conversation. Here, learner and supervisor formulate individual learning goals, which can help to guide further training.


By addressing this question, we seek to discover which influencing factors are present and how postgraduate education can be supported with the help of multisource feedback.


Team IML

Eva Hennel (PhD student)
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. et MME Sören Huwendiek (thesis supervisor)
and further employees of the IML

Project information

Running time: 9/2014 – 8/2020