EU-Project: «Developing, implementing, and disseminating an adaptive clinical reasoning curriculum for healthcare students and educators», Project coordinator: University of Augsburg, Project head: PD, Dr. med. Inga Hege. Project partner IML: Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Sören Huwendiek, MME.
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Swiss Cancer League: "Communication with cancer patients and their families about approaching death: Scaffolding conceptual and practical learning for health professionals." Project head: Prof. Dr. phil. Sissel Guttormsen. Project partner: Prof. Dr. med. Steffen Eychmüller, University Centre for Palliative Care (UCPC), Insel University Hospital Bern.
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ERS (European Respiratory Society)/PhD-Grant: “How to improve continuing professional development to foster physician’s competencies & patient treatment”. PhD Advisor: Prof. Dr. Dr med. S. Huwendiek
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SSGIM (Swiss Society of General Internal Medicine): “Definition of Competencies for Attending Physicians in General Internal Medicine Departments in Swiss Hospitals: a multicenter qualitative study” SGAIM Foundation Award. Project partner: Department of General Internal Medicine, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Dr. med. Christine Roten, Dr. med. Martin Perrig and Dr. med. Christoph Berendonk, IML
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Supporting Clinical Skills Training with new videos

To manage the increasing number of students, Clincal Skills Training (CST) in the 3rd year was substantially redesigned. Students now exercise Clinical Skills CST in examing their peers before they practice on real patients. To support that the students are performing the tasks correctly, videos demonstrating the CST-Tasks were produced by the AUM. The video-production was supported by students and experts of the different clinical disciplines. IML`s new video studio and team supports the high quality of the videos.